

GitShoes makes user feedback even more useful. It creates customizable feedback widgets to submit user feedback to a developer’s GitHub repository. Best of all, it provides the developer with the browser, OS, path, and a screenshot from the page where the bug occurred.

  • Allows users to submit issues directly to an application’s Github repository without signing in
  • Dynamically generated scripts for feedback widgets that post GitHub issues using ERB templates and JavaScript views
  • Implemented Devise and OAuth for authentication via GitHub
  • Retrieved and cached users’ public, private and organization repositories from GitHub using the Octokit API wrapper
  • Implemented JavaScript pagination and search functions to accommodate large collections of repositories
  • Accounted for multiple users collaborating on the same repository via before filters and Arel queries
  • Allowed users to fully customize widgets without regenerating a script
  • Deconstructed Rails and Devise conventions to allow cross-domain AJAX requests by anonymous users



GemIt is a single page application for generating simple scraping gems through a non-technical interface. Your gem can scrape text, media, CSS or all three with both a command-line and Ruby implementation. Gems are fully documented and automatically uploaded to your GitHub account.

  • Captured node paths with jQuery to create Nokogiri scrapers of unknown elements on unknown pages
  • Scraped, stripped and reserved web pages to bypass default Iframe actions of most sites
  • Deployed to Digital Ocean and executed Ubuntu shell commands to create and push files to users’ repositories with Git
  • Utilized jQuery and Unobtrusive Javascript in Rails to avoid the need for multiple pages
  • Combined Bootstrap with a WrapBootstrap theme and custom styles
